Menard Archers
About Our Club: The Menard Archers 3D Archery Club is located near the Central Illinois town of Petersburg. Our membership primarily is drawn from Menard and Sangamon Counties, but archers from all over the state of Illinois come to participate in our public shoots. Facebook: For current news and other information about our archery club, visit us on Facebook at Club Meetings: Winter meetings will be held at Gillmore's Restaurant on the first Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. (Executive Board meets at 6:30 p.m.) Warm weather meetings are held on the range, or at Gilmore's Restaurant during inclement weather. The annual membership drives start at the January meeting. Membership Info Public 3D Shoots: Approximately 8 public 3D shoots are held each year. Adults are $12, kids 14 and under shoot free! Gates open at 7 am, and registration closes at 1 pm. Traveling from out-of-town? Make it a fun weekend and stay at the RiverBank Lodge in Petersburg, which has a "hunting lodge" decorating theme. Please note that you can also find our annual shoot schedule online at . Crossbow Participants Welcome: Due to the increased popularity of crossbows for deer hunting, a crossbow competition category has been established for our club shoots. Crossbows are now legal in Illinois for deer hunting by hunters age 62 and older, in addition to previously eligible younger hunters who have received a disability permit from the IDNR. We hope that this encourages some grandparents to return to the sport of archery and take a grandchild to one of our 3D shoots! Note: Crossbow archers will shoot from the yellow (Special Equipment) stakes. Directions: The club is located approximately 1.5 miles south of Petersburg, IL. From State Route 97, turn west on South Shore Drive (at the north edge of New Salem State Park) and follow the signs. Click Here for Driving Directions & Map! Contact Information: For questions about the Menard Archers 3D Archery Club, contact John Castro at 217-899-8783 or Gary Sumpter at 217-415-7911. For questions about our 30-target 3-D target course, contact Field Captain Steve Whitehurst at 217-632-4411 For information about the local Petersburg and Menard County area, check out
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